Yorkshire Sculpture Park

these are the 14 sculptures i collected while at Yorkshire sculpture park
My drawing of the sculpture 'Buddah' by Nikki de st Phelle

My own Drawing of the sculpture 'Personnage' - Joan Miro

Sculptures that I liked:

  1. 'Seated Hare/Crawling Hare' by Sophie Ryder - His work mainly focus' on animals that are related to mythology. The hare was once known as an animal with special powers in medieval times. The hare is split into two parts to expose the hare of what true powers are within it. The hare looked to be made of wire, bent together to look like straw. it had quite a rough and gappy looking texture. The sculpture is situated in a clear and open space but there are many tree's in the landscape which makes the hare look like it's in it's natural habitat but out of proportion as it was a very large sculpture.
  2. 'Riace Figures' - These figures were inspired by Frinks research into ancient Greek athlete status from the 5th century, they also are inspired by aboriginal Australian face paintings. the sculptures have a very rough and rocky texture/ surface as they were made from plaster and cast in bronze. The scale of these Sculptures were on the same scale as the average human.
  3. 'seated figrues' by Magdlena Abakanovich - She came from a Jewish family and was just 9 years old when the Nazi's invaded Poland in 1939. Her parents always told her not to look Nazi soldiers in the eye as hey were looking out for Jews. Because of this her work features figures without heads or arms o create a silent and anonymous atmosphere like they would have done at that time. The surface and texture of the sculptures would be quite rough and jagged as they are made from tree bark. the scale of the sculpture is very very large.
  4. 'Griot' by Eduardo Paolozzi - His sculptures are made from a verity of everyday objects such as toys, cigarette cards computer imagery, mechanical drawings. Generally his work evokes the fast changing world of the 20th century in which he lived most of his life. The piece 'Griot' was made from factory made aluminium machine parts so the surface would be smooth and curved for the most part. The scale of this piece was of an average height.

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